As a leather shoe manufacturer, Raker Shoes wholesales leather shoes for kids. Main products are leather boots for children, leather sneakers & sports shoes for children, leather sandals for children, leather formal shoes for children. Raker shoes supplies its partners with its experience in footwear industry as reliable supplier. On the other hand, Raker Shoes searchs shoe buyers ll around the world everyday to widen its family as shoe wholesale supplier and as shoe wholesale vendor.
Raker Shoes serves internationally to increase its brand value more and also widen its range to global. While doing this, searchs for better supplies to produce leather shoes both qualified and price advantaged. International shoe wholesale supplier set the prices according to some costs. Prices differs from country to country according to their suppliers and quality. Raker does its best to meet the optimum demands of international shoe retailers and international shoe wholesalers.
On the other hand, we reach our partners thourgh international online B2B marketplaces like EC21, Europages, Go4WorldBusiness. You can find the contact links of our profiles in our contact page. We are trying to be in every marketplaces for international shoe suppliers.
International partners can contact us through the link. For Turkish speakers, you can also visit our website in Turkish.